Daniela, Dafne and Victoria: The Miracle of Life

Dani, Dafne and Victoria Parra © 2010 Jorge Parra

I take a break from my work to talk a bit about my life.

Back when I was a young adult, I could have never imagined, not even in my wildest imaginations and daydreamings, that life was gonna make me witness and participant of this magnificent miracle of life, and enjoy this fantastic gift, this amazing  and huge miracle, of having 3 beautiful kids,  and all girls!!

So there they are, Daniela, Dafne and Victoria, giving me an everyday dose of why I am doing my everyday fights, why there is always  a reason to be alive, and be totally thankful for it, why to keep pursuing light and enlightenment.

3 different manifestations of my own self, and yet each one so independent and unique, Daniela, always so rational, Dafne, so peculiar in her ways, and Victoria, still a magic Faery, all 3 tied up by all those invisible threads love and nature bring together into a special fabric, something with no name, no size, no form, yet big and tangible and solid as a rock.

It is unusual for us humans to stop and say thank you, and yet it is so liberating when it expresses a real feeling!
I am sure none of my girls would even understand this, but I just can’t thank them enough for just being there, and being who they are, how they are. All of my adult life has been reshaped over and over, revolving around their presence, while still experimenting things and pursuing light for my own achievements, just to be able to offer them more of my love, in different forms and manifestations.

One thing that is truly amazing, is how unique it is to be able feel and express unconditional love, this deep sensation in your body that tells you that you can love someone with no restrictions, no limits, no thoughts, no logic, no boundaries.
This deep, wide-open love can only happen with your own sons, in my case,  my daughters, and unconditional love is the best feeling you can ever have in your heart.

So I am the luckiest person to enjoy the miracle of life, and being touched by the opportunity to give unconditional love to my girls, and enjoy this miracle every minute of my life.

Daniela, Dafne and Victoria, thank you, my babies!!

You are the best source of Pure Visual Energy I will ever enjoy.


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